
Degree show space allocation

When asked to submit my proposal for the degree show so that we could then be allocated individual spaces, I was in a bit of a panic because I didn't yet have a clear idea of what exactly i wanted to present. My work up until now has been quite experimental; still playing with this idea of combining imagery with sculpture. After much deliberation whether or not to continue to use polyurethane foam as my predominant medium, i came across these two 8ft tall boards of polystyrene. Immediately drawn to their imposing structure and the strange graphite-like chips embedded within them. I'm still not quite sure how the combination of photographic imagery will react to this surface or even how it will look, but it is a new material i feel compelled to utilise.

Since writing out a script explaining my work up until now for the Symposium 2, it really made me think a lot about the idea of sculptural objects/constructions fitting into a 'backdrop' in order to give them some sort of context or narrative. Inspired by the works of artist Gary Colclough who encompasses both drawing and sculpture as part of an enquiry into how we experience and encounter images and how images relate to sculptural objects. Following this idea, for the show, i am going to make a series of structures specifically made for the image and for the material to 'fit' into. An unconventional framing.

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