
Rebecca Fortnum Tutorial

During my one on one with Jessica we briefly went over my project proposal feedback, clarifying certain points within the proposal and realising which parts could be expanded. Articulating the works subject matter more clearly. We then discussed the video piece which I put in the Gasworks exhibition – If I felt it worked/why? Reasons for specific choices such as the editing. Whether I will continue to use video within my work and how this could be done. The discussion then progressed to thoughts about my current work. How I could develop with regards to use of the same medium, however the possibility of incorporating objects – directly referencing the scenes within the imagery and being quite literal. We also talked about the imagery itself and what happens once it is printed – this idea of fictionalising the image. How do people know that this is real? Transferring it onto the foam almost acts as a ‘blurring’.

Further to this tutorial, I now intend to:
  •  Further research artist Tacita Dean – her use of 35mm film. Looking at the ways in which she films people – day to day routine, the ordinary. With specific attention to the aspect of time within these pieces and then thinking about how I can perhaps adapt a similar approach to my own work. Contact Frith Street Gallery and see if they are able to supply any video footage or direct me to somewhere I can view this
  • Experiment with video – attempting to capture a similar imagery to what is presented within my photographs. Expanding on this idea of place/event/situation. 
  • I will also be looking further into the aspect of how my work is encountered. Not only its physicality but its truth - If we view a programme that is scripted our reaction and involvement will be completely different to something that we know is fact such as a documentary. How can I produce work which people will believe or even relate to as opposed to resembling something that is set up?

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