
Projection series

I have started a series of projections using 35mm slides found in the street. There were only two - one of a painting by an artist I'm still unsure of, possibly Camille Pissaro? And the other, taken of a religious scene, again not sure the origin of this image. I decided to use a couple of blocks of a beautiful pink/orange coloured styrofoam which i found in a skip outside the Hannah Barry gallery. Combining the two found sources to produce my own interpretation of these scenes. Deliberately making a parting inbetween the two blocks where the vanishing point on the image was situated to imply a sense of never ending and unknowing. Exploring this image further through the inherent qualities of the material. Discovering how the material changes our perception of the image and the image then changes our perception of the material.

Perhaps the reason as to why i felt this piece was so successful was because the slides were not my own  and therefore it made the utilising process so much more exciting. Having no personal connection or relation to them. This is an aspect i need to really try and uncover when selecting imagery for the degree show works.

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