
Tutorial with Donal Maloney

During the one on one Donal and I discussed how to expand and clarify certain sentences within my project proposal in order to make clearer my exact intentions for the work. Refining the rhetorical questions within the proposal and making more specific.
How to begin research into historical context – choose 5 things the work ‘could’ relate to and 5 things the work directly relates to.
With regards to my referencing of particular artists, I need to explain how they use both material and imagery to construct situations and interventions.
To look more specifically at both image and material within my practice – who has used similar imagery/techniques? The dialectic links. Establish whether my approach will be inductive or deductive. 
The issues I will be thinking further on as a result of this conversation:
    • Begin a work plan chart to show aims/goals and development of work in order to achieve a stricter working style.
    •  I will look at critics of photography – how much photography is dematerialised. Researching journals online and also research into the history of printing techniques.
    •  More in depth research on artist Phyllida Barlow – her article for the Tate on sculptor Eduardo Chillida and also Tate videos “Abstraction & Interpretation” and “Encountering Eva Hesse” – in order to get an idea of Barlow’s views and also her way of working.

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